PUPPPs Relief Mission

PUPPPs is my thing.
I don't really want it to be my thing, but after having it with ALL of my pregnancies, it's my thing. I am a mom of 4 little girls, and I'm pregnant with my fifth sweet, tiny person. There are so many women out there suffering from PUPPPs and very few places dedicated to information about PUPPPs. My goal is to provide a one-stop-shop for information and conversation about this horrid rash.

July 10, 2014

Research Blurb: An Extreme Case of PUPPPs

I feel so sorry for this woman! It took THREE courses of steroids (prednisone, the strong stuff) to kick her PUPPPs well into her postpartum period. She must have been miserable!

The main thrust of the article is that the typical treatment didn't work for this woman, and she needed more extreme care. It also points out that it seems obvious that it was an issue with her immune system function.  The authors state, "While this study does not provide a definite answer, it lends evidence to the possibility of a subtype of PUPPP that clearly has an immunologic basis."

It's no wonder that allergy meds don't work! Evidence is showing that it's NOT a histamine (allergic) reaction!

Here's the full text of the article for those curious research fans out there...

full text article

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