July 4, 2014

The Dermatologist

What I'm about to relate is probably a common experience for PUPPPs sufferers. Now you'll know you're not alone!

During my 3rd pregnancy with PUPPPs, I was at the end of my resolve to avoid steroids and headed into a dermatologist appointment. My PUPPPs was the worst it has ever been. Having to put on socially acceptable clothing for the appointment had been torture. I couldn't even fill out the admission forms without setting down the clipboard to scratch. I could feel the eyes of the other patients in the waiting room on me and my squirmy self.

When they called me back, the nurse felt so bad for me that she immediately went to find some ice packs to get me through the appointment. As I cooled the burning itch, more and more people kept filing in to the exam room.

I was feeling a bit like a spectacle! 

Apparently, PUPPPs is rare enough that many of the staff hadn't seen it! There were a couple different nurses, two or three doctors, and a nurse practitioner. They Oooed and Ahhed. They all expressed how sorry they were for me. And then they all consulted on what to prescribe.

That wasn't exactly confidence inspiring. I went home with my steroid and got into a routine of "slathering" it on. But that's a story for another day.

Going along with feeling of being a spectacle at the dermatologists...

When I was 16, I had a horrible zit. Oh, it was bad. My mom actually let me skip school and ballet class. It was on the very tip of my nose. I was giving Rudolph a run for his money. My mom felt so sorry for me that she took me right in to the dermatologist that day. The doctor was an older man. I got the impression that he'd been practicing for decades. He came in and sat down without glancing up at me.

But when he did? Oh my.

He actually exclaimed. Loudly. His exact words were "That's the biggest one I've ever seen!" The dermatologist that had been practicing for decades said my zit was the biggest he'd ever seen!!

The biggest zit he'd ever seen. Wow.

I was a strange combination of mortified and gratified. I may have had a horrific growth on my beak, but at least I wasn't overreacting! He proceeded to get out some kind of medical binoculars, tilt my head toward the light, and go in for a close up. Talk about a spectacle. It wasn't exactly a boost to my teenage self-esteem. I must have recovered somehow, but visiting the dermatologist for PUPPPs definitely brought back old memories!

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